





Reaching the top seven of the inter-university ALGO trading contest

本校同學譚曉軒(電腦學哲學碩士)、譚家耀(商業管理學榮譽工商管理學士)及林威達(商業智能及分析學榮譽工商管理學士)組成「OUHK Algo Trader」,參加第二屆大學校際演算交易比賽,迎戰來自中港兩地知名大學逾百隊的隊伍。13 隊入圍精英隊伍在 2 月 19 日舉行的決賽上,以自行研發的電腦程式,構思及撰寫交易策略計劃,模擬真實的演算交易過程。「OUHK Algo Trader」憑創新意念,成功入圍決賽,並獲第七名之佳績。

More than 100 teams from institutions across the nation competed in the Second Inter-University ALGO Trading Contest. The ‘OUHK Algo Trader’ team, made up of Tam Hiu-hin (Master of Philosophy in Computing), Tam Ka-yiu (BBA with Honours in Business Management) and Lam Wai-tat (BBA with Honours in Business Intelligence and Analytics), reached the finals of the contest held on 19 February. From generating trading ideas to implementing trading strategies, the finalist teams were required to develop algorithmic trading strategies mimicking real-life algorithmic trading. The ‘OUHK Algo Trader’ team came seventh overall.



OUHK athletes stand out in joint school tournaments

本校健兒在大專體壇綻放光芒。跆拳道隊在2018年2月首戰香港大專體育協會舉辦的年度大專跆拳道賽,隊員張汶焯及關煒軒分別取得男子黑帶輕量級亞軍及男子黑帶雛量級季軍。另外,籃球健兒們亦於 3 月份舉行的「自資高等教育聯盟聯校籃球比賽 2018」 中勇奪季軍。

OUHK athletes have been displaying their sporting talent in recent tertiary institution contests. The OUHK Tadkuwondo Team debuted in the annual Taekwondo Competition organized by the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong in February, in which team members Cheung Man-cheuk and Kwan Wai-hin came second and third in the men’s black belt lightweight and bantamweight categories respectively. Meanwhile, a group of OUHK basketball players teamed up to compete in the ‘Inter-institutional Basketball Tournament 2018’ organized by the Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE) in March and won the third place.


師生創新里程 創科比賽奪一等獎榮譽

OUHK team hit new milestone: first-class award in innovation competition

「科技學院應用科學榮譽理學士(生物及化學)」課程應屆畢業生農世榮、袁淑影、孫桂珠及林汶薏組成團隊,研究以螺旋藻作為栽種植物的肥料。在助理教授黃儀強博士指導下,經過八個月辛勤研究,完成畢業論文「Spiru-Gel 應用於新式二極管水耕法」,更在「挑戰盃」港區選拔賽中勇奪「創新項目(能源環境化工)一等獎」。

Nong Shirong, Yuen Shuk-ying, Sun Kwai-chu and Lam Man-yi, four new Bachelor of Science with Honours in Applied Science (Biology and Chemistry) graduates of the School of Science and Technology, teamed up to study the use of spirulina as a fertilizer for plants. Under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr Wong Yee-keung, and after eight months of hard work, they completed their final-year project titled ‘Application of “Spiru-Gel” in a New LED-lighting Hydroponic System for Plant Cultivation’. The students also used the project to join the Challenge Cup National Competition and won a First Class Award (Innovation — Energy, environmental and chemical engineering) in the Hong Kong Regional Final



Industry recognition for outstanding Accounting student

全日制專業會計學課程四年級學生林均蓉憑藉優異的學術成績,榮獲澳洲會計師公會「2016 年傑出學生獎」。除獎學金外,得獎學生還獲得於四大會計師事務所實習的機會,以及獲邀參加會計業界的各項活動,從中學習行業知識並建立更廣闊的人際網絡。

The excellent academic performance of Alby Lam Kwan-yung, a full-time final-year student in Professional Accounting, was recognized by CPA Australia as one of the eight Outstanding Students of the Year 2016. Along with other awardees, Alby will be granted scholarships, internship placements at the Big Four accounting firms and other valuable networking and learning opportunities with industry leaders.



Winning social enterprise awards

電腦課程畢業生雷健青、馮廣照與來自其他院校的伙伴合作,成立為視障人士研發手機程式的公司 iSEE Mobile Apps,並贏得「香港社會企業挑戰賽 2016」的冠軍。另外主要由本校學生組成的兩支團隊亦成功進入該比賽的準決賽,參賽項目分別為讓忙碌的在職人士向基層家庭購買自家膳食的網上平台「家多雙筷」,以及向本地批發市場購入食材,為基層家庭提供蔬果包的「$9•智營菜」;「家多雙筷」更獲得準決賽的「最佳演說獎」。

Computing graduates Lui Kin-ching and Fung Kwong-chiu teamed up with partners from other institutions to found iSEE Mobile Apps, a company developing mobile apps for the visually impaired. The team won the championship of the Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge 2016. Two other teams composed mainly of OUHK students made it to the semi-finals of the same competition: Plus 1 Chopsticks, an online platform that allows busy working people to purchase meals from home cooks, and $9 Smart Veg, an enterprise offering affordable vegetable and fruit packs directly sourced from local wholesalers to working-class families. The former team also won a Best Presentation Award in the semi-final round.


Trail running success for OUHK cross-country team

本校五名學生及教職員參加由香港愛滋病基金會舉辦的首屆「AIDS FREE 越野慈善跑」,在賽事中連連報捷!比賽於 1 月 13 日舉行,護理學課程學生簡銘佩在五公里賽事中以 31 分 40 秒佳績,擊敗男女子組所有參賽者,勇奪總冠軍。在男子組十公里賽事中,會計學課程學生周奕晞和修讀運動及康樂管理的 Subba Bhavisya Raj 分別取得第四名及第六名的成績;本校教育科技出版部的 Emilie Pavey 則在女子組十公里賽事中贏得第二名。

Five OUHK students and two staff took part in the inaugural ‘AIDS-Free Charity Trail Run’ organized by the Hong Kong AIDS Foundation on 13 January. With an outstanding run of 31’40”, Nursing student Mandy Kan Ming-pui was the overall champion of the ‘5 km Fun Run’, defeating all male and female competitors in the distance. In the 10 km race, Accounting student Chow Yik-hei placed fourth and Subba Bhavisya Raj studying Sports and Recreation Management placed sixth in the top 10 men, while Emilie Pavey from the Educational Technology and Publishing Unit came second in the female race.



First runner-up in business case competition

全日制工商管理課程學生陳巧欣及黎琦參加了由國際會計師公會舉辦的「企業可持續發展及風險管理案例分析比賽 2017」,為一間建築工程公司撰寫可持續發展報告。二人在比賽當天以別具創意的對話方式進行簡報,在 18 支中、港、澳大學的參賽隊伍中脫穎而出,獲得亞軍,並贏得獎學金一萬五千元及實習機會。

Full-time Business and Administration students Joleen Chan and Nike Lai Kei earned praise at the AIA Business Sustainability & Risk Management Case Analysis Competition. Each of the competing teams was required to compile the CSR report for a building construction company. Among 18 university teams from the mainland, Hong Kong and Macau, the OUHK team impressed the judges with an outstanding CSR report and their creative presentation. They won second place and were presented a scholarship of $15,000 and internship opportunities.



Accounting students win the second runner-up in tax debate competition

四名就讀公大專業會計課程的三年級學生組隊參加了由香港稅務學會舉辦的第五屆「全港大專學生稅務辯論比賽 2019」。今年,共有八支來自本港大專院校的隊伍參賽,公大代表隊憑紮實的稅務知識及具說服力的論據贏得季軍。他們不但獲頒獎座、證書及現金獎,更同時獲香港稅務學會豁免「註冊稅務師資格考試」費用。


A team of four Year three students from the OU Professional Accounting programme participated in the Tax Debate Competition 2019 organized by the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong. This year, a total of eight teams from local institutions entered the Competition and the OU team won the second runner-up prize with their sound taxation knowledge and convincing arguments. In addition to the trophy, certificates and cash prizes, their fee for the Certified Tax Adviser Qualifying Examination can be waived.

The Tax Debate Competition aims to promote the study of taxation and encourage university students to join the tax profession upon graduation. It has also provided excellent opportunities for students to express their views on various hot tax topics. The Competition has successfully aroused public concern on the related issues since it was first held in 2015.


商業策劃比賽 獲優異獎

Merit award in ACCA business competition

由特許公認會計師公會(香港分會)舉辦的商業策劃大比拼今年踏入第十年,是次主題為「年輕力量 推動卓越社企」。參賽隊伍需為社會企業進行個案研究,撰寫計劃書並提出改 善營運建議。本校全日制會計系學生陳智敏、陳均嬋、吳嘉琪及邱悅豪於 2 月 18 日代表大學出戰比賽,成功擊敗 400 多隊參賽隊伍,晉身最後七強並奪得優異獎。

Full-time Accounting students Monica Chan Chi-man, Susanna Chan Kwan-sim, Vicky Ng Ka-ki and Brendan Yau Yuet-ho participated in the ACCA Business Competition held on 18 February. The competition is now in its tenth year, and attracted over 400 teams to compete on the theme of ‘Young catalysts in driving social enterprise excellence’. Each of the teams was required to conduct a case study of a social enterprise, develop a proposal and recommend feasible solutions to optimize business and streamline operations. The OUHK team made it into the top seven after several rounds of competition and won the merit award.

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