One of the key proposals of the Government’s education reform was to encourage public institutions to get additional resources from fees and donations. In the new millennium, post-graduate programmes in the publicly-funded institutions had to be run on a user-pay basis and compete in a deregulated market. In addition, their continuing education arms expanded in size and provision, further enriching the offerings already delivered off-shore by overseas institutions through local agents and partners. While learners benefited from the opportunities, demand no longer concentrated on the OUHK. Conscious of this change, the University decisively adjusted its courses, and geared up for the new challenges.

The OUHK has a distinctive advantage in its modular programme structure embedded in a credit accumulation and transfer system. Meticulously developed and extensively applied over the years, the mature system fits the Government’s suggestion for a common credit units system across institutions. Graduates of associate degrees and diplomas would be able to conveniently count their credits and articulate their qualifications towards completing a degree at the OUHK. Over time, the system evolved to become an efficient bridge between the University’s programmes and the Qualification Framework which was launched in 2008, and it exemplified the connection of various components of the entire higher education system in Hong Kong.



The Launch of Full-time Programmes to Meet the Needs of a New Generation 開辦全日制課程 滿足新時代需要